Blog Archives

365 Reasons to Smile – Day 37

I have absolutely no right to complain about my childhood. I had caring parents, and all my basic needs were met.

In fact, my basic needs were met to such an extent that there wasn’t room for guilty pleasures.

At least that’s what my mom thought.

She was the queen of making sure her children never ate an empty calorie.

Instead of dough, her pizza crust was made of zucchini, and I was 12 before I discovered how great fish tasted when it was fried instead of broiled.

But her biggest concern was our sugar intake.

In hindsight, I appreciate her efforts to convince us that whole wheat, carob cookies with half the sugar were a treat. But as a child, I thought I was being chocolate chip cookiestortured.

I swore I’d never subject my own children to fake comfort food.

And I never did.

Even though I don’t particularly enjoy cooking or baking, everyone raves about my chocolate chip cookies.

And that always makes me smile.

Day 37: Chocolate Chip Cookies  Day 36: Challenging Experiences that Make Great Stories

Day 35: You Can’t Always Get What You Want

Day 34:  Accepting the Fog    Day 33: I See the Moon

Day 32: The Stonehenge Scene from This is Spinal Tap

Day 31: Perspective

Day 30:  Unlikely Friendships  Day 29: Good Samaritans

Day 28:  Am I a Man or Am I a Muppet?    Day 27: Shadows

Day 26: Bike Riding on Country Roads

Day 25: When Harry Met Sally

Day 24:  Hibiscus   Day 23: The Ice Cream Truck

Day 22:  The Wonderful World of Disney   Day 21: Puppy love

Day 20 Personal Theme Songs     Day 19:  Summer Clouds

Day 18: Bartholomew Cubbin’s Victory Day 17:  A Royal Birth        Day 16:  Creative Kids Day 15: The Scent of Honeysuckle   Day 14: Clip of Kevin Kline Exploring His Masculinity Day 13: Random Text Messages from My Daughter     Day 12:  Round Bales of Hay Day 11:  Water Fountains for Dogs    Day 10: The Rainier Beer Motorcycle Commercial Day 9: Four-Leaf Clovers  Day 8: Great Teachers We Still Remember Day  7:  Finding the missing sock   Day 6:  Children’s books that teach life-long lessons Day 5: The Perfect Photo at the Perfect Moment     Day 4:  Jumping in Puddles   Day 3: The Ride Downhill after the Struggle Uphill    Day 2: Old Photographs Day 1: The Martians on Sesame Street